Though chimneys seem like simple structures, they’re actually planned using complex engineering. When you add gas appliances to your existing chimney system, it can cause significant problems with draft, flow, and safety. For that reason, many chimney technicians will use gas fireplace appliance liners in your Indianapolis home to make the overall system operate more efficiently, giving you great results.

How do Appliance Liners Work to Make Your System Run More Efficiently?

Gas appliances require proper venting to operate properly. However, unlike fireplaces and wood stoves, the exhaust systems for these appliances are often overlooked when it comes to regular cleaning and proper operations. This can lead to a range of issues, such as corrosive materials building up on the interior of the chimney, poor burning, and buildup of hazardous gases and compounds such as carbon monoxide.

Appliance liners provide your gas appliances with the exact exhaust requirements they demand, ensuring that they are able to function properly and avoid these possible issues. Without these liners, it can be difficult to achieve these levels of efficiency. Though gas appliances don’t produce the soot you’d see in a fireplace, they still produce corrosive substances that can wreak havoc on your chimney, leading to dangerous conditions and expensive repairs.

Furthermore, today’s high-efficiency appliances gain some of their efficiency by using heat that used to be lost up the chimney. Though this helps improve efficiency overall, it also reduces the heat that is needed to create an efficient draft. The draft is needed to make the ventilation and exhaust system work effectively, as insufficient heat can cause condensation on the chimney walls as well as incomplete combustion.

Think of the draft as a river. As part of the river flows away (the smoke), it draws more water behind it, that feeds the flame in your gas appliance. Without the exhaust effectively leaving the chimney, the air the flame needs isn’t drawn in. This can partially be solved through adding an appliance liner to streamline the draft.

By understanding the role that appliance liners play in your appliance exhaust system, you can ensure that your appliances will be able to operate at peak efficiency, saving energy and delivering great results. If you need help with a gas appliance that isn’t behaving properly, the experienced professionals at Clean Sweep 317 in Indianapolis offer gas fireplace appliance liner installation services and are happy to help. Please feel free to contact us today with any questions or concerns, or to schedule your consultation.